Banished Lands : The Rules and Policies
The Rules Governing Players|
The Rules Governing Gods|
How do I become a God?
The Prime Directive
Wyvren is the benevelent dictator, all you can do is woo her with your charms,
persuade her with your logic, and try to get Cygnus to convice her of your point
of view.
Definitions of Disiplinary Actions
- Disconect
We cut your link to the mud, basically a slap in the face.
- Boot
Your are forcible "quit" from the mud, a slightly harder slap in the face.
- No-Gossip
You loose the ability to use the public gossip channel.
- Archive
Your player file is temporarily removed from the "active" list.
- Freeze
Your character is surrounded in a magical block of ice. You cannot do
anything in this condition.
- Delete
Your character is gone forever.
- Site Ban
You nor anyone from your domain may login to the mud every again.
The Rules Governing Players
This list is not "all-inclusive" but should provide players with reasonable guildlines
for gaming and conducting themselves.
A hasility put together list of do's and don'ts for gods. Presented here for all to read.
Answers the age old questin of "how do I become a god?" in less than 596 words.
Please read this before you ask anyone on the game if you can be a god.
Take me to the welcome page now.
Confused or cannot find what your looking for? Why not check out the sitemap.
Questions or comments? Email us here:
Copyright 1999 Banished Lands