Banished Lands : The Rules and Policies Governing Game Play
This list is not intended to be all inclusive. It should give the player guildlines
by which to conduct him or herself. In all cases Wyvren's rule is the rule.
- Player Killing
Player killing is illegal on Banished Lands. Killing a player by means
of using bugs, mobs, spells, or anything imaginable is forbidden.
- Harasment
Everyone must learn the difference between joking and harrasing, and keep
in mind this is not as easy in the "text" world as the "real" world.
Harrasing a player either verbally, or through use of annoyance spells
is punishable. Severity of punishment will coralate directly to serverity
of harasment.
- Hacking
Hacking is not looked kindly apon. Attempts to hack into the server itself will
be dealt with by legal means. Attempts to hack into, and therefore steal other
player's characters is a server enough punishment that you will be deleted at
- Bugs
Bugs are mistakes in the code. Using bugs to duplicate equipment, crash the game,
obtain gold, exp, or other gains is illegal. If you find a bug report it to a
god, or post a note to Wyvren. When a bug is abused for any length of time
the character gains high advantage and will have to be deleted.
- Public Channels
Public channels are for all player to use, as such they carry a few restrictions.
- IMC-The inter-mud channel
The inter-mud channel connects four seperate muds together. As such we ask that
it be kept very clean. No cursing, no fighting, no sex, nothing that will offend
the average person.
- Gossip
Gossip is the main talking channel of the mud. We ask that you keep the conversation
sutable for a 12 year old. No explicit topics, or fighting should be on gossip.
To date, I do not regulate cursing, everyone has heard it before.
- Music, Misc, and Auction
Music is largely for expressing yourself by singing and reciting poetry, misc
is just an extra channel, and auction is really just an other extra channel.
These three channels are completely unregulated.
- Multi-Playing
Multi-playing more than 2 character is illegal. In addition using multi's to
gain experiance, gold or other riches that a player could not gain as an individual
is illegal. If you choose to multi-play please do so wisely.
- Spamming
Don't spam recall! Enough said.
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Copyright 1999 Banished Lands